3 Reasons to See the Family Dentist Before School Starts

As you are making your back-to-school lists, be sure to include a visit with your family dentist in Fort Smith, AR. Here are three good reasons why you should call 479-668-3109 today!

Discover & Treat Problems

Every year, millions of kids miss days of instruction dealing with dental problems. If you come in for a checkup, we can find and treat tooth decay now before it become a toothache while your child is taking a test.

Preventive Care

Avoiding problems is better than treating them. A professional cleaning can remove plaque and tartar buildup on your children’s teeth. This can keep them happy and health for picture day!

Play Safe

If anyone in your family plays sports, you want to protect their winning smiles. A custom athletic mouthguard provides the best protection against dental injuries on the court or the field.

Call 479-668-3109 or schedule online for an appointment at Dallas Street Dental in Fort Smith, AR. Your family dentist wants to keep your loved ones happy and healthy.