Eat a Less Sugary Breakfast for a Healthy Smile

You know a healthy diet helps you have a healthy smile – and a healthy body too. So you probably do your best to avoid consuming too many sugary foods. But avoiding sugar can be tough, when some foods that appear “healthy” are full of it. 

For some sugary surprises, check out this video. It compares a glazed doughnut to some popular breakfast items from restaurants and grocery stores. An oatmeal dish from McDonald’s has twice as much sugar as the pastry! 

Because of this, it pays to familiarize yourself with food ingredients as much as possible. And to make healthier substitutions when you can. The video offers some good suggestions. It’s also important to brush and floss daily to lessen the negative effects of sugary substances. 

We’re happy to discuss diet with you when you visit our Fort Smith, AR office for your exams and cleanings. If you are prone to cavities, you might also benefit from preventive services such as dental sealants and/or fluoride treatments. 

Let us help you get and keep a healthy smile! Call Dallas Street Dental at 479-668-3109 today for an appointment.